Let's dive in
- Seamless integration with your favourite controller
- Practice racing skills or enjoy freestyling with selected maps
- Platform agnostic. Run FPV.SkyDive on PC, Mac or Linux computer
- Drone physics optimised for the most realistic flying experience
Explore SkyDive
Find and install
Find it on the biggest gaming platform Steam and install it completely free
Experienced or not - enjoy freestyling and ease your transition into the FPV world
Join and Enjoy
Join our community of 60,000 pilots and fly high without limitations
Reach us
...if you want to partner with us in the future events, we are looking forward to it
Contact us
...if you have an idea how to improve our simulator, make sure to inform us
Let us know
...if you have an idea what new map update should look like and what pilots would love to see
Enterprise Edition
We can create a unique map with the desired scenarios and paths in which the digital twin of your drone will be used. Digital drone twins will have the same physic optimization as the real one. At the same time, we highly prioritize the safety of your data and assets.
“Orqa’s game engine is helping train 30,000+ enterprise ready pilots. Orqa has game engine for top of the line defence and public safety drone systems.”